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4 Zodiac Signs That Are Careful With Love

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4 Zodiac Signs That Are Careful With Love

In this article, we’ll talk about four zodiac signs that can be a bit “guarded,” meaning they don’t easily share their feelings or let people get too close to them. Being guarded isn’t the same as being shy, like introverts who enjoy spending time alone, or being snobby, where someone might look down on others. Instead, these signs are careful about who they trust and how much of themselves they reveal. Let’s take a closer look at these signs and why they might be a bit more protective of their feelings.

1. Scorpio

Scorpios are known for being mysterious and keeping a lot to themselves. They have a rich inner world full of dreams and thoughts, but it’s not all happy stuff. Scorpios have a deep and sometimes dark side that they don’t like to show to others, not even to close friends. They have secrets that they might never share with anyone because they think it’s safer that way. Scorpios can also be very suspicious of people who are too friendly right away, almost as if they’re worried those people might have hidden motives. It takes time for a Scorpio to trust someone and let them into their inner circle.

2. Cancer

Cancer is a sign that is known for being very sensitive and emotional. They have a tough outer shell, like the crab that represents them, but inside, they feel things very deeply. Because they are so sensitive, Cancers are careful about who they let into their lives. They don’t want to get hurt, so they put up walls to protect themselves. Cancers are looking for people who understand their feelings and can be gentle with their emotions. If you want to get close to a Cancer, you have to show them that you are caring and trustworthy.

3. Capricorn

Capricorns are very hardworking and focused on their goals. They are often seen as serious and responsible people who like to get things done. Because they are so focused on their work and achieving their goals, Capricorns don’t like to show their emotions openly. They think that showing too much emotion, especially in public, can be a sign of weakness. Capricorns also prefer to rely on themselves rather than ask others for help, which can make them seem distant or closed off. They will only open up to someone if they feel that person can really be trusted.

4. Aquarius

Aquarius is a sign that is symbolized by the Water Bearer, and like still waters, they keep their emotions deep inside. They are friendly and can be great listeners, but they don’t share their own feelings easily. Aquarians believe that many people are not as thoughtful or deep as they are, so they choose to keep their emotions to themselves until they find someone they can really trust. Even though they can be engaging and fun to be around, Aquarians are careful about who they let see their true selves. They need to feel that the other person is as thoughtful and caring as they are before they open up.

What does it mean to be a “guarded” person?

Being guarded means that someone is careful about who they trust and how much of their feelings they share with others. They might put up emotional walls to protect themselves from getting hurt.

How can I get a Scorpio to open up to me?

To get a Scorpio to open up, you need to be patient and earn their trust over time. Show them that you are trustworthy and won’t judge them for their deep thoughts and feelings.

Why do Cancers have such a tough outer shell?

Cancers have a tough outer shell because they are very sensitive and don’t want to get hurt. They use this shell to protect their deep emotions from people who might take advantage of them.

What should I know about talking to a Capricorn?

When talking to a Capricorn, it’s important to respect their need for privacy and independence. They don’t like to show their emotions openly, so be understanding if they seem a bit distant at first.

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